
Our Clients

What our customers say

2017: German Association of florists - LV Sachsen e.V.:
"...still enthusiastic, I would like to thank you for your contribution to our information event. Your performance has been a great enrichment, your subject matter expertise has been very inspiring to me amazing to our young participants."

2016: german Federal Ministry of Defence:
"We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your commitment during our meeting in Dresden. Certainly, our participants have already been able to enjoy some guided tours "around the world", but yours - according to relevant statements from the circle of the participants - belong to the most charming and cultivated ones."

2015: diamonds network marketing consulting & event management:
"...and also the countess Cosel has been - as you had already predicted - a fantastic guide. We felt that we were in very good hands and had a lot of fun. A heartfelt thanks to the artist again" 2013: Ferrari Club Austria:

"Your evening performance at that time was so amazing and has put our by the constant rain annoyed participants into such a positive mood, that our members still talk about you at the thought of the four-day Dresden trip!
For this reason, we have chosen you as the cover picture to the story - the prominent place corresponds to your value in our memories."

2012: Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse Club e.V:
" "Schlösser Sonne Elbflorenz", I have chosen this title in our current edition of the "Sternstunde" for the article, which I wrote about our Annual Meeting 2012 in Dresden. On page 11 your company is mentioned, what I have done with conviction. I want to thank you for the pleasant and perfect cooperation again."

2012: Entrepreneurs' association Niedersachsen e.V:
"..."We would prefer a young, refreshing, female guide" - you have fullfilled all of our expectations, even exceeded. Thank you for the great and passionate guidance with great empathy and a very good portion of education!"

2007: José Manuel Barroso - President of the European Commission:
"... please allow me to thank you herewith for your great guidance, which has brought the highlights of the history of Dresden closer to me. I have taken my enthusiasm for this city to Brussels and will keep the spend hours in good memories ... "

Press and Pictures

8th Young Leaders Conference 8th Young Leaders Conference 2016: Framework programme for the 8th Young Leaders Conference

Heeresgeneralstreffen in Dresden 2016: NATO - Framework programme for the Meeting of Amry Generals in Dresden

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden - Jahrbuch 2015 2015: G7 summit; Source: Dresden State Art Collections, Annual Report 2015

Fachzeitschrift Naturstein - 22. Herbstseminar Naturstein 2015: Journal of natural stone - Seminar organization 22. Herbstseminar Naturstein

Queen Silvia of Sweden Queen Silvia of Sweden 2014: Guide for Queen Silvia of Sweden and Prime Minister Tillich

2013 Fachzeitschrift Naturstein - 20. Herbstseminar Naturstein 2013: Journal of natural stone (11/2013) - Seminar organization

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands 2011: Guide for Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands with Prime Minister Tillich

2008 Bundestag 2008: City tour during the national assembly of the German Federal Parliament

We are looking forward to hear from you!